Montag, 16. Juli 2012

Inspired by Tibi

So this mint colored beauty was inspired actually at first from a pinafore with a circular neck i saw here...
 But when my circular collar didn't quite turn out like i wanted it to... (looked ultimately crappy to say the least...) probably because I'm not the wizz at sewing, that i wish i was... i let my neckless mint wonder lie around for a couple of weeks before i found inspiration to finally finish the neck/shoulders in a different way... I freestyled the whole thing, no pattern xD i tend to do things like that a lot ;) So here is my short linen mint summer dress :D
No pictures of me wearing it yet ;) But I'll add those as soon as I have the chance. Cant wait to wear this one :D
Mint Sleeveless Maxi from Tibi

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Freitag, 6. Juli 2012

So this is my finally finished template for the tattoo I'm planning to get ... Wiggle's name (yes, she has a real name, not just 'Wiggles' ^^ ) and a scripted/inked Lotus... I love the way it turned out and cat wait to get it set in flesh :D this will be my first ink... and I am seriously excited!
And isn't it practical that baby brother is a Tattoo artist... ;) The arts really DO run in the family.
I'll have to do a follow up as soon as it's done ;) But FIRST, my Mann has been nagging me to finally finish HIS tattoo... a somewhat bigger bio-mechanical piece ... when i finally get to it <3 it's aaaalmost done.... hehehe Pin It Now!

Gone Country - Little Girl's Dress

This was actually made 'freehand' from my favorite blouse. I was ... somewhat peeved when it ripped behind the shoulder, several inches away from any kind of seam, but i couldn't bring myself to throw it away... it must have been lying around for months before i turned it into this...

The headband is (again) scraps and a little red heart-button from the depths of my sewing basket... now if only she wouldnt chew on the pretty basket i gave her as a prop for the picture. Grandpa loved the outfit though ;) Gone country and all.... hehehe Pin It Now!

Toddler's Dress (via PrudentBaby)

So i found this awesome Tutorial for a Toddler's dress here, at PrudentBaby and made the most awesome double layered blue-and-white pinafore for Wiggles ;) the Fabric I used was from an old, sheer peaseant blouse that i never wore (because, sadly it's flowyness gave the impression of a walrus, instead of the nymph-like new-romantics look i was going for).
So...needless to say... it got recycled. Here's how it turned out. The Headband was my own creation, made from scraps and a rubber hairband ;)

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Turqoise Touched...

Love this look, though it might be a little extreme...but i feel inspiration for an outfit coming on... You know, for date nights out, when your main priority is NOT trying not to get spit up on or some such joy of Motherhood <3
Especially since Mint seems to have gotten to me at the moment... 

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I'm so FINE

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